マネジメントとは人にかかわることであり、善悪にかかわることである。byドラッカー 一緒に仕事をしている人に悪い人が居ませんか。そのことについて何か出来ることはありませんか。 #followme #sougofollow #golf
posted at 23:03:46
A new reality should be assumed to be a chance. By Drucker #followme #sougofollow #golf
posted at 22:04:09
It is better that it is not bread of a half cutting either. By Drucker #followme #sougofollow #golf
posted at 21:02:50
A new technology in the future is brought from all of kinds of knowledge. By Drucker #followme #sougofollow #golf
posted at 20:03:01
豪華な景品を手に入れよう RT @itmedia_id MacBook AirやApple TVが当たるキャンペーン実施中!リンク先の文章をツイートすると当選確率が2倍に! http://twpss.jp/?c=109_1817
posted at 19:59:39
The result of management is decided working five. By Drucker #followme #sougofollow #golf
posted at 19:04:02
It is necessary to assume not going yet, and to ask whether to start now. By Drucker #followme #sougofollow #golf
posted at 17:02:47
Excellent people are consecutive and the failing work is the work of the widow-making. By Drucker #followme #sougofollow #golf
posted at 16:03:01
The society as bonds is impossible if there is not legitimate in power. By Drucker #followme #sougofollow #golf
posted at 15:03:55
価値観に反する仕事は、人を落胆させる。強みすら台無しにする。byドラッカーあなたの強みと価値観を考えて下さい。価値観に反することに、せっかくの強みを使ってはいけない。 #followme #sougofollow #golf
posted at 13:03:18
Ethics of the organization give priority when ethics of the organization collide with the value of the commun #followme #sougofollow #golf
posted at 12:04:37
The one to be made the assumption of the decision making is "Future that has already happened. "By Drucker #followme #sougofollow #golf
posted at 11:02:05
The effect of an old bureau of the information system is lost of the surprise attack. By Drucker #followme #sougofollow #golf
posted at 10:03:17
A new technology in the future is brought from all of kinds of knowledge. By Drucker #followme #sougofollow #golf
posted at 09:02:57